Squash Trophies

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    Personalised 3D Squash Trophies

    We specialise in creating custom squash trophies using 3D printing. We have one of the largest printing farms in USA, with more than 400 3D printers, which allows us to create innovative and customised designs for squash tournaments. Thanks to 3D technology we can create from scratch any squash trophy and turn it into reality. We adapt to all needs. No other custom squash trophy will be the same or even similar.

    Why buy customised 3D Squash Trophies?

    Unlike what happens in many trophy stores, we do not have a catalog. From My Printing Factory 3D we do the opposite: we design the squash trophy that best suits the needs of the customer. 3D printing is increasingly present in more and more areas of our lives. Not only because it allows the purchase of personalized squash trophies, but also because it brings other great advantages to the customer: it reduces costs to create cheap squash trophies, saves time in its creation, optimizes resources and can even manage to give some functionality. A product that is also biodegradable and contributes to the care of the environment.

    Your customisable Squash Trophies

    The first thing we do is to talk to the client to find out their needs. Then, if the client has a proposal, we design it and show it to them until they are satisfied. We are also the ones who create the initial idea. Once accepted, we put at your disposal the more than 400 3D printers we have to print the number of trophies you want. At first, customers may think that creating a custom squash trophy in 3D may be costly. However, the opposite is true. Since we have a large number of printers available, the manufacturing costs are reduced quite a bit.

    What our customers say about us

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